Sunday, October 3, 2010

St. Petersburg

We took the train from Moscow to St. Petersburg last week to rendezvous with Uncle Jeff and join him at the opening of the newest Coyote Ugly. It was our first time back to St. Petersburg since we lived there in 2003-4. Below, Sarah and Jeff stand on the Griboedov Canal in front of the Church on the Spilled Blood.

Opening night at the Coyote Ugly in St. Petersburg. Fabulous Bar. Huge crowd. Great Atmosphere. (photos are from the pre-opening party)

In between festivities, we had dinner around the corner from the bar, at the Georgian restaurant where we first met. The decor and name have changed, but the place - 3 Belinsky St. - is largely the same, just down the street from Belinsky Bridge, across the Fontanka from the Circus.

During the day, we revisited old favorites, like the Russian Museum seen here from Mikhaelovsky Park...

...and Palace Square, in front of the Hermitage.